Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Home Sweet Home

Riding the Fox finally has a home here!

I went and bought myself a fancy pants domain and now have a space on the internet all my own to put up my art. I've only put up my current sketchbooks and art. I'll have to go digging for older stuff. It's nice to have someplace I can showcase my work. I'm still deciding if I want to incorporate the blog into it, or keep this blog here. I like what Blogger can do, but I kind of want everything consolidated. Especially since I'm terrible at keeping up with social media. You would think that Blogger would incorporate better with Google Sites, but maybe that will be a future improvement.

I think my goal for the year should be to work on being more consistent at posting things on Instagram and here on the blog. I've pretty much shuttered Tumblr since starting to write here, and I hate Facebook, so I only have an account there for a business account on Instagram. Don't try to find me on Facebook, I don't post anything there. I like Instagram still, even though they're owned by Facebook. If there is an alternative to Instagram that is visually similar and user friendly, please let me know. I plan on keeping Instagram and Pinterest active for RtF. That's about as much as I can handle social media wise.